
Good Design Award

31 Oct/18
The intelligent Circulation While Drilling (iCWD) technology has received the Japanese “Good Design Award”. Receiving the award on behalf of the company is En. Nik Mustapha Fathil, Founder of MIT Technologies. Joined him during the award ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, is En Razis Ahmad, Director of Corporate Affairs. [br /] It…

iCWD Enables Fishing RA Source

23 Oct/18
The intelligent Circulation While Drilling tool (iCWD) enables the drilling operator to retrieve Radioactive (RA) sources installed in 3rd party downhole Logging While Drilling (LWD) tools, where applicable, ensuring a high level of safety and environmentally friendly drilling operation. A full test was conducted demonstrating the unique ability of iCWD to enable LWD…

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